Does wearing a mask make a difference? The short answer is YES!
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The fact is that the virions (or particles) of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) are spherical particles with diameters of approximately 125 nm (0.125 microns). The smallest particles are 0.06 microns, and the largest is 0.14 microns. Here is an excellent article explaining how protective masks – including surgical and N95 mask – can capture tiny particles over 10 times smaller than the coronavirus. What is the bottom line? For health care professionals performing a procedure that could involve expected exposure to blood or other bodily fluids, the higher fluid resistant masks would be preferred protection. However, for an average person wanting to protect themselves from airborne pathogens, a respirator/mask with an ASTM level as low as 1 still provides a bacterial filtration efficiency of 95%, which provides a very good measure of protection. And even non-ASTM-rated surgical masks can boast of a BFE of 95% in the three-ply variety and up to 90% in the 2 ply variety. That is certainly better than a handkerchief, or nothing at all. Also, consider other ancillary benefits of wearing any mask. First, it prevents you from reflexively touching your nose or mouth. Lastly, if you are ill, it prevents transmission to others! If everyone wore a mask in the first days of the pandemic, we would have likely been in more control of community spread than today!